Best Pets for Condo Living

January 08, 2024

Best Pets for Condo Living

Here are some dog breeds we find most suitable for condo living!

Getting a new dog can be very overwhelming. Every new pet parent will have tons of questions like: how much will taking care of a pet cost? How will you split up the responsibilities in the household? And the very crucial, what name will you give your firstborn pet?!

While every pet parent concern is valid, we’d argue that one of the most important questions to ask is, which pet fits into my lifestyle? Whether you’re looking to get a cat or dog, certain breeds have different needs and temperaments. For those who live in condos or apartments, we’d suggest looking at dogs on the smaller side. 

Here are some dog breeds we find most suitable for condo living! 

  1. Bichon Frisé

Fun fact: Bichons are relatively hypoallergenic and shed less hair than other breeds. If you’re concerned about fur spreading all over your apartment, this breed might be a good fit! 

  1. Poodle 

Fun fact: Like Bichons, Poodles have a non-shedding coat. For pet parents that have allergies, Poodles could be the way to go! 

  1. Shih Tzu 

Fun fact: The most popular dog breed in the Philippines was bred to be a house companion. Even in more compact spaces, Shih Tzus can get enough exercise with some indoor playtime and short walks. 

  1. Corgi 

Fun fact: Corgis are great with people, children, and other dogs. They’re also highly intelligent and one of the easiest breeds to train! 

  1. French Bulldogs 

Fun fact: French Bulldogs aren’t known to be heavy barkers. If you’re in an apartment that’s strict about noise levels, why not check this breed out? 

When taking care of a French Bulldog, keep in mind that this breed has trouble breathing in very hot and humid conditions. Once it gets hot out, we’d suggest keeping your Frenchie cool indoors. 

Bottom line, the dog breed for you is the one that fits both your personality and living situation. Take time with this decision and we’re so excited for your condo to welcome a new four-legged family member!

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