Traveling for the holidays? Tips on how to handle leaving your pet at home

November 15, 2023

Traveling for the holidays? Tips on how to handle leaving your pet at home

Every time a pet parent goes on a trip, they’re faced with the same dilemma: what happens to my pet? And for the pet parent who decides not to take their pet with them, it’s very common to feel guilty. 

But right now, we’re here to tell you that traveling without your pet does not make you a bad parent. Considering the logistics and stress of trips, it’s completely understandable to leave your pet at home. 

Although, the duty of a good parent is to make sure their pet is taken care of while they’re away. Here are a few tips we’ve gathered from experts! 

  1. Leave your pet with someone they know, preferably someone they regularly see

With so many changes going on for your pet while you’re away, it’s very important to encourage normalcy as much as possible. If you have family or friends who are already familiar with your pet’s routine, they might be the best and most cost-effective option. 

  1. Provide instructions in writing 

No matter how many times your friend/family member has watched over your pet, it’s still important to give them a guide that they can easily refer to. Some important details to include: 

  • When and how much to feed your pet 

  • How often should they be walked 

  • Health concerns and allergies 

  • Common triggers and reactions 

  • Vet’s information 

  1.  Shop and pack for your pet in advance 

Along with your list of instructions, we highly recommend preparing a supply of your pet’s essentials! Make your way to Pet Express to stock up on the necessities like food, water, and an emergency kit. In case your pet is moving to a friend’s or family member’s home, Pet Express also has great carrier options ranging in different sizes.  

  1. Give your pet a reminder of you 

Distance and time apart is difficult for both the parent and the pet. To keep your pet more comfortable when they start missing you, try leaving a shirt or a blanket that can remind them of your scent. You can even leave the item in your pet’s sleeping area so they’ll feel close to you while you’re gone. 

  1. Don’t prolong the goodbye 

As much as it’s tempting to hug your pet for hours and list all the reasons why you’re going to miss them, making a big deal of you leaving will likely make your pet anxious. Act calm, keep it casual, and the two of you will be reunited before you know it!

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